Sumedang Police Hold Media Gathering and Break Fast Together with Journalists
SUMEDANG-ASWINNEWS.COM- Sumedang Police held a media gathering and break fast together with journalists, which took place at RM Sampurasun Sumedang on Thursday, March 13, 2025.
This event was attended by around 70 participants, consisting of various media crews from various digital platforms in the Sumedang area.
Sumedang Police Chief, AKBP Joko Dwi Harsono, in his remarks expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the media, who had participated in the activity.
According to him, this event is part of a simultaneous program implemented throughout Indonesia, both at the Polda and Polres levels, with the aim of strengthening relations between the Police and the media.
“The media is one source of fast and accurate information. Collaboration between the Police and the media makes it easier for us to share information that is useful for the community,” said AKBP Joko Dwi Harsono.
Furthermore, the Chief of Police hopes that this activity can improve communication and exchange of information between the Sumedang Police and the media, to support the achievement of more optimal public security and order (kamtibmas).
In a family atmosphere, participants also enjoyed breaking the fast together, adding to the atmosphere of familiarity between the Police and the media crew.
Herman, Sumedang Bureau
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