
Optimizing Empty Land,Pamtas Yonarmed 11 Kostrad Task Force Realizes Productive Agriculture on the Border

Optimizing Empty Land, Pamtas Yonarmed 11 Kostrad Task Force Realizes Productive Agriculture on the Border

NUNUKAN-ASWINNEWS.COM- Pamtas Yonarmed 11 Kostrad Task Force continues to be committed to supporting national food security by optimizing empty land at Salang Post, Tulin Onsoi District, Nunukan Regency, on Thursday, March 13, 2025.

This program aims to increase food availability while providing real examples to the community in utilizing land productively.

Various types of vegetables and food crops have been planted on the land, including chilies, spinach, kale, and eggplant. In addition, members of the Task Force are also actively providing assistance to local residents in terms of good and sustainable farming techniques.

The Commander of Pamtas Yonarmed 11 Kostrad Task Force, Lieutenant Colonel Arm Gde Adhy Surya Mahendra, said that this activity is part of the Task Force’s efforts to help border communities realize food security and welfare.

“We want to show that unused land can be utilized optimally for productive agriculture. Thus, we not only meet our own food needs, but also inspire the surrounding community to be more independent in farming,” said Dansatgas.

With this program, it is hoped that the community around Pos Salang can be more motivated to utilize the available land and increase their agricultural output, so that food security in the border area is stronger.

(Armed 11)


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