Deputy Regent Muzamil Checks Readiness of Passenger Port to Face 2025 Eid Homecoming Flow in Selatpanjang
MERANTI -ASWINNEWS.COM – Deputy Regent of Meranti Islands, Muzamil Baharudin SM MM, Thursday (13/3/2025), monitored the port preparations at Tanjung Harapan Selatpanjang Passenger Terminal in facing the 2025 Eid homecoming flow.
During his visit, Deputy Regent Muzamil was welcomed and accompanied by the Head of KSOP Class IV Selatpanjang, Derita Adi Prasetyo and Operations Manager of Pelindo Selatpanjang, Indra Ardiansyah.
The activity began with checking the availability of parking areas at Tanjung Harapan port. Deputy Regent Muzamil assessed that improvements to parking and port entrances needed to be improved so that the public would feel more comfortable.
“In the future, we will try to have a parking portal, later it will be managed by BOP (Port Operations Agency, ed), we can share through the APBD to improve port facilities to make them more comfortable,” he hoped.
There, Deputy Regent Muzamil also checked the condition of the domestic and international passenger waiting rooms, the readiness of officers, the cleanliness of the terminal toilets, and monitored activities on the port pontoon.
He also had direct discussions with a number of ship crews and passengers to ensure conditions in the field.
After checking the Tanjung Harapan terminal, the Deputy Regent and his entourage conducted a review of the Kempang transportation port, Jalan Tebing Tinggi Selatpanjang.
There, Deputy Regent Muzamil also checked the readiness of the Meranti Islands Transportation Service officers, as well as the situation at the sea crossing transportation port connecting Selatpanjang City with the surrounding areas.
According to Pelindo and KSOP Selatpanjang, the flow of homecoming for Eid in 2025 is estimated at around 150 thousand passengers. For that, he wants to ensure that all community activities run smoothly, especially regarding passenger safety during the trip.
“Alhamdulillah, today we have checked the readiness of the 2025 Eid homecoming, especially at Tanjung Harapan Port and Kempang Port. From our monitoring, we assess that the preparations are very mature, and ready to welcome the homecoming flow. We also know that this Eid homecoming flow feels special, because the time is close to the Sembahyang Kubur celebration for our Chinese community. We urge all parties to work together to maintain the smooth flow of homecoming, especially those related to the safety of our community’s passengers. Hopefully everything will run smoothly without any obstacles,” said Deputy Regent Muzamil.
Accompanying the Deputy Regent of the Meranti Islands during the visit were Head of the Transportation Agency Agusyanto Bakar, Head of the PUPR Agency Fajar Triasmoko, Head of the Kominfotik Agency Febriady, Head of the Investment and PTSP Agency Sutardi, Head of Satpol PP Tunjiarto, Head of Prokopim Alfian and a number of other officials
Writer Rudi
Editor Ardes
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