You Tube Dialogue Rumah Bertanya Topic Migrant Workers File for Divorce, Gets Response from Ministry of Religious Affairs
By: Sujaya, S.Pd, Gr
DPP ASWIN Advisory Board
A dialogue on the You Tube account ‘Rumah Bertanya’ Topic: Migrant Workers File for Divorce, Gets Response from Ministry of Religious Affairs which was uploaded just a month ago has gone viral even though it was only uploaded a month ago, but not only has it been watched by 3.4 thousand viewers but has also received a response from the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs.
The dialogue managed by Oust D’ Alam Baqa by presenting a resource person, a legal practitioner and National Senior Advocate H. Dudung Badrun, SH. MH. has touched the hearts and minds of the public and even attracted a sense of concern for the humanitarian issues (care humanity) that many migrant worker households have suffered.
In the discussion of the dialogue between the interviewer and the main resource person regarding this phenomenon, the following core issues were found:
1. The solution of providing a 6-month course to overcome divorce is not a solution but is project-based.
The Ministry of Religion through the Minister of Religion does not understand the ins and outs of the matter
The method has been implemented for years, but the results are still zero.
2. If you have to take a 6-month premarital course, you can be laid off and not be able to work.
It seems that the Minister of Religion is just talking “straightforwardly”, without looking at the situation and conditions that cause the problem. According to Dudung Badrun, “It’s surprising, how come great people when they become Ministers, their ideas are just “plagiarized”. Like they have nothing to do.
3. Actually, with the empathy from the Minister of Religion to reduce divorce, it should be appreciated. It’s just that the Ministry of Religion’s program should be followed by other Ministry Programs such as the Ministry of PMI / TKW by creating a system and providing PMI for their families so that they are intact, the Ministry of Industry and related ministers must make policies to be able to absorb Indonesian workers and the Regional Government with related ministries with a program to eradicate poverty, not maintain poverty.
4. If so, it is not empathy but solving problems with problems. It should be
Honest research first, then the Minister of Religion speaks and makes statements and policies.
Don’t be casuistic to be used as a solution. If so, it could be a disaster.
Indramayu, March 12, 2025
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