Purwakarta Regent Instructs Regional Apparatus to Use Local Products for Official Events
PURWAKARTA-ASWINNEWS.COM – To encourage the growth of local MSMEs, Purwakarta Regent, Saepul.Bahri Binzein, instructed his staff in the Purwakarta Regency Government (Pemkab) to use local products for official events.
The use of local products was emphasized through Circular Letter: 100.3.4/106 – DKUPP/2025.4 which was issued on March 7, 2025.
“We have submitted this Circular Letter on the use of local products to the Heads of Regional Apparatus, Sub-district Heads, BUMD Leaders, Village Heads and Village Heads throughout Purwakarta Regency,” said Om Zein, Wednesday (12/3/2025).
He explained that the use of local products is used for official events, such as, official meetings and gatherings, Regional Apparatus, Sub-district Heads, BUMD leaders, Village Heads and Village Heads throughout Purwakarta Regency.
For food and drinks in every official event and daily needs of the organization (Regional Apparatus, Sub-district, BUMD, Village/Sub-district) it is mandatory to use food and drinks produced by local MSMEs.
“What is certain is that the food and drinks served are of good quality and hygienic,” he said.
Then for official events that require the provision of souvenirs or gifts, it is prioritized to use local products produced by local MSMEs. “Don’t forget, souvenirs and gifts must have cultural value and be typical of Purwakarta Regency,” he said.
The Regent also added that the purpose of issuing this Circular Letter is to support local economic empowerment, improve community welfare, encourage the growth of MSMEs, and strengthen the cultural identity of Purwakarta Regency.
For your information, Purwakarta Regency already has quite a lot of local food and drink products. For drinks, there are Wanayasa Tea, Bojong Tea, Darangdan Tea, Kiarapedes Tea, and Pondoksalam Tea. While for food, there are cikeris sugar, opak, rengginang, semprong, ali cake or other Purwakarta specialties.
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