
Legoksari Village Government Realizes Phase 1 Village Funds for Hotmix for Neighbothood Roads

Legoksari Village Government Realizes Phase 1 Village Funds for Hotmix for Neighborhood Roads

PURWAKARTA-ASWINNEWS.COM- In order to improve infrastructure in the Legokwaru Kubang Village area, the Village Government continues to realize development, through Phase 1 Village Funds for neighborhood roads in the Legokwaru Kubang Village RT.02 RW.03 Legoksari Village, Darangdan District, Purwakarta Regency.

The Head of Legoksari Village, Cecep Mulyana, when confirmed by the media via WhatsApp short message on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, said that this development used a budget of IDR 233,000,000 for hotmix work with a volume of 600 meters long and 2.5 meters wide. which was carried out independently.

“Alhamdulillah, the construction of the road in Kp Legokwaru RT 02 RW 03 has begun, the construction of the road is none other than to realize the results of the village deliberation, because in Kampung Legokwaru Kubang, road access needs repair, so the construction is carried out so that road access is maintained well for local residents in particular,” said Cecep Mulyana.

The Head of Legoksari Village added that the use of the first phase of Village Funds was not only for construction but also for BLT Bulan, Posyandu Cadres and Additional Food Provision (PMT).

“PMT is a program to provide food to toddlers and pregnant women to meet their nutritional needs, the project board that we had installed was lost due to heavy rain accompanied by strong winds, it is possible that the project board fell and was carried away by rainwater, because the debris was found by residents already washed away and damaged.” he added.

Author: Bah Endang


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