
PSBN Sharing Takjil to Commemorate International Women’s Day

Sharing Takjil to Commemorate International Women’s Day

BANDUNG-ASWINNEWS.COM- Coinciding with International Women’s Day 2025, PSBN (Women of Arts and Culture of the Archipelago) held a free takjil sharing activity on Jl. Braga Bandung today, Tuesday, March 11, 2025.

The distribution of takjil was intended for people who were on their way before breaking the fast. And the community welcomed the activity very enthusiastically.

According to the Chairperson of PSBN, Ambu Ririn, that with the international women’s commemoration event, we invite women, especially in West Java, not to forget their nature as women who have a kebaya culture, in accordance with Eastern customs as a cultural heritage of our ancestors that needs to be preserved and developed to always exist amidst the rise of foreign cultures.

“In addition, women must have the courage to face problems and be independent, especially women in West Java,” she said.

The hope for the future is that women can work together to solve women’s problems, along with the influence of social media.

“So that with the existence of International Women’s Day as a reminder to ward off foreign cultures that are not in accordance with the noble values ​​of Pancasila,” she concluded.

Devi, Cimahi Bureau


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