
Cirebon Residency Building and Majalengka Juang Building: Witnesses of Colonial History

Cirebon Residency Building and Majalengka Juang Building: Witnesses of Colonial History

Author, AbahRoy
Chairman of DPC Aswin, Cirebon City

Two historical buildings in Cirebon and Majalengka, Cirebon Residency Building and Majalengka Juang Building, are witnesses to the journey of Dutch colonialism in West Java.

Cirebon Residency Building, which was built in the 19th century, used to function as the center of colonial government, where the Dutch resident controlled administration and politics in the Cirebon area.

After independence, this building changed its function to become a regional government office and is still maintained as a historical site.

Meanwhile, Majalengka Juang Building, which was built in 1860, was originally the office of the Dutch Assistant Resident. Over time, this building became a symbol of the people’s struggle and now functions as the Alit Grumala Museum. It is said that this building also holds a dark story as a place of execution of hangings during the colonial era.

Now, these two buildings continue to be preserved, not only as historical heritage, but also as a center of education and cultural tourism for future generations.



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