DPP ASWIN Gives “Most Creative Editor-in-Chief 2025” to Drs.Husnu Mufid,MPd

DPP ASWIN Gives “Most Creative Editor-in-Chief 2025” to Drs. Husnu Mufid, MPd

JAKARTA-ASWINNEWS.COM- The title of Most Creative Editor-in-Chief 2025, according to the Indonesian Journalists Association (ASWIN) was given to the Editor-in-Chief of Menara Madinah.com media, namely Drs. Husnu Mufid, M.Pd, in Surabaya.

The General Chairperson of DPP ASWIN, Irno Budi Kiswoyo, S.E, M.H, confirmed this on Monday, March 10, 2025 in a press statement.

“DPP ASWIN did indeed give a certificate of appreciation, as an appreciation for the development of ASWIN,” explained Cak Kis, the nickname of the Ketum ASWIN.

Cak Kis continued, we also give the certificate to the Central Management and DPD and DPC throughout Indonesia. Also the Menara Madinah.com media.

” Drs. Husnu Mufid has given his best contribution to the world of journalism in Indonesia.

We give our highest appreciation to him, who has received the certificate,” he continued.

Hopefully the appreciation does not make us arrogant, does not make us forget ourselves, but makes us enthusiastic to build the world of journalism in Indonesia, so that the results of journalistic work can be useful for ourselves and society, or become quality offerings for the people of the nation and state of Indonesia.

“We congratulate and thank you for your contribution, keep up the spirit and greetings from one pen to Indonesian journalists,” concluded Cak Kis.



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