
Polres Meranti Breaks Fast With Orphans and the Poor at Sat Polairud

Polres Meranti Breaks Fast with Orphans and the Poor at Sat Polairud

MERANTI – ASWINNEWSCOM – In order to strengthen ties and increase social awareness during the holy month of Ramadhan 1446 H, Polres Kepulauan Meranti held a breaking fast event with orphans and the poor at the Sat Polairud Polres Meranti Patrol Unit Office, Jalan Tebing Tinggi, Tebing Tinggi District, Kepulauan Meranti Regency, Sunday (9/3/2025) afternoon.

This warm activity was led directly by the Chief of Police of Kepulauan Meranti, AKBP Kurnia Setyawan, SH, SIK, accompanied by the Deputy Chief of Police Kompol Maitertika, SH, and the Main Officials (PJU) of Polres Meranti. The event was a moment to share happiness with orphans and the poor as a form of gratitude from the police for the smooth running of their duties in caring for, protecting, and serving the community.

“Alhamdulillah, today we, the ranks of the Meranti Islands Police, can share with orphans and the poor. This activity is a means of strengthening the relationship between members of the Police, orphans, the poor, and also the clerics,” said the Chief of Police, AKBP Kurnia Setyawan in his speech.

The Chief of Police emphasized that this breaking of the fast together activity is a real manifestation of the care and attention of the Meranti Islands Police towards people in need, especially in the holy month of Ramadan which is full of blessings.

“We hope that this activity can ease their burden, strengthen the relationship between the Meranti Islands Police and the community, and be part of our gratitude for the smooth running of the tasks entrusted to us. Hopefully this gathering will bring blessings and happiness to all of us,” he hoped.

In addition to sharing happiness, AKBP Kurnia Setyawan also emphasized the importance of instilling the value of empathy and strengthening the spirit of sharing among members of the Police, especially during Ramadan.

The event continued with the handover of assistance to orphans and the poor which was handed over directly by the Chief of the Meranti Islands Police. The atmosphere became more solemn when the sermon and prayer were led by Ustadz Zainal, M.Pd.I, who also led the prayer before breaking the fast together.

This activity ended with breaking the fast together with all invited guests, orphans, the poor, and the ranks of the Meranti Islands Police, adding to the warm atmosphere of togetherness in this blessed month.

Author Rudi
Editor Ardes


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