Contextual Research Based Learning: Developing Intelligent,Creative and Innovative Students

Contextual Research-Based Learning: Developing Intelligent, Creative, and Innovative Students

Advisor of the Central Board of ASWIN

The Governor of West Java, in a YouTube video on Kang Dedi Mulyadi’s channel, explained that the concept of learning in schools is expected to be based on the environment and research. He hopes that learning will lead to productive activities. Teaching should focus on how to manage natural resources available to students. Students in rural areas should be introduced to agricultural and livestock systems in their surroundings. Mathematics lessons should teach students how to calculate the area of their land. If the land is to be planted with rice, with a specified planting distance, how many planting holes are available? With the amount of fertilizer per hole, how much fertilizer is needed? From the seeds planted, how many stalks and flowers emerge? Mathematical calculations are taught for the agricultural needs of rural students.

*The Importance of Research-Based Learning*
The concept of research-based learning, as demonstrated by Kang Dedi Mulyadi (KDM), is a strategy for developing professional competence in teachers as agents of change, as mandated in the independent curriculum. This, of course, requires teachers to be lifelong learners who must engage in creative and innovative learning. Becoming a research-oriented teacher is a real manifestation of being an agent of change, and teachers are expected to always implement creative and innovative learning to improve the quality of the learning process.

*The Role of Teachers in Research-Based Learning*
Teachers play a strategic role in the advancement of education in a nation. Especially in the era of deep learning-based curricula, teachers are expected to be more professional in carrying out their duties. The professional competence of teachers is the ability to manage the learning process so that quality, effective, and efficient learning processes are created. The ability to manage learning is supported by classroom management, mastery of learning materials, selection of approaches, teaching methods, learning strategies, and the use of learning media.

*The Importance of Innovative Learning*
The demand for quality learning processes is increasing along with the development and changes of the times. The learning process in each educational unit must be inspirational and innovative. The key is how the learning process is more contextual and scientific so that it forms the character of students who have a scientific soul. Unfortunately, teachers who are ready for this are inspirational teachers who, according to Rhenald Kasali (2007), make up less than 1% of teachers. After half a century of advocacy, Paul A. Kirschner, John Sweller, and Richard E. Clark (2006) found many weaknesses in constructivist learning that is student-centered, so that learning is not effective.

*The Meaning of Research*
The word “research” comes from the English word “research,” which means investigation or experimentation. In this case, the implementation of research is carried out systematically using scientific rules to find findings or solutions to a problem. Research activities include several things, namely data collection, processing, analysis, and presentation in a systematic manner. To do this, a researcher must be objective and use empirical evidence in analyzing the data. Therefore, carrying out research requires a scientific method to obtain quality results.

In conclusion, the implementation of research-based learning is a strategy for developing professional competence in teachers as agents of change. Teachers are expected to be lifelong learners who must engage in creative and innovative learning. Becoming a research-oriented teacher is a real manifestation of being an agent of change, and teachers are expected to always implement creative and innovative learning to improve the quality of the learning process.

Indramayu,March 9,2025


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