
ASWIN DPC Jombang Regency Holds Working Meeting to Discusses Organizational Strengthening

ASWIN DPC Jombang Regency Holds Working Meeting to Discuss Organizational Strengthening

JOMBANG-ASWINNEWS.COM- The Jombang Regency Branch Leadership Council (DPC) of the International Journalists Association (ASWIN) held a working meeting at Cafe Bagus, Mancar Village, Peterongan on Sunday night, March 9, 2025.

The meeting aims to strengthen internal coordination and discuss future work programs.

The event was opened with remarks from the Chairperson of the ASWIN DPC Jombang Regency, Fathurrozi, S. E, who emphasized the importance of professionalism and solidarity in carrying out journalistic duties.

He invited all members to continue to improve the quality of reporting and establish synergy with various parties in order to strengthen ASWIN’s existence in Jombang Regency.

The discussion in this working meeting was led by the Secretary of the ASWIN DPC, Muji Slamet, S.E., who discussed various important agendas, including strategies for improving journalist competence, expanding partnership networks, and steps to maintain the independence and credibility of the organization.

“We must continue to adhere to the journalistic code of ethics and continue to develop our capabilities, so that we can provide accurate, balanced, and responsible information to the public,” said Muji Slamet in the discussion.

In addition to discussing the work program, this meeting was also an opportunity to evaluate the organization’s performance over the past few months. Participants provided various inputs related to strengthening ASWIN’s role in the local press world and efforts to improve member welfare.

This working meeting ended with the preparation of an action plan that will be realized in the near future.

The ASWIN DPC of Jombang Regency emphasized its commitment to continue to develop as a professional, independent, and integrity-based journalist organization.

Muji Slamet
Secretary of ASWIN Jombang Regional Branch


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