TNI AD Quickly Responds to Open Road Access, Builds Bridge in Kemang Pratama
BEKASI-ASWINNEWS.COM-The Indonesian Army responded quickly to the difficulties faced by the community due to the bridge in the Kemang Pratama area breaking due to being hit by floods some time ago, paralyzing public access.
Danrem 051/Wijayakarta Brigadier General TNI Nugroho Imam Santoso, S.E., M.M., went directly to the location of the collapsed bridge in the Kemang Pratama Housing Complex, Bekasi, due to the flood that has hit the area since Tuesday yesterday. Accompanied by Kasdim Bekasi Lt. Col. Czi Erlangga Perdana Gasing, Brigadier General TNI Nugroho reviewed the condition of the bridge which is a vital access for residents of South Bekasi and Rawalumbu Districts, Friday (7/3/2025).
The damage that occurred was no joke, the bridge with a length of 9 meters, a width of 6 meters, and a depth of 4.3 meters collapsed after being hit by the strong current of water from upstream. As a result, thousands of residents were affected and daily activities were paralyzed.
Realizing the urgency of this situation, Brigadier General Nugroho moved quickly and ensured that the TNI would fully coordinate with the local government and related agencies to accelerate the process of restoring damaged infrastructure.
“The TNI is the people’s biological child, we are deploying the Kodam Jaya Engineering Unit and territorial units to help open up access that has been cut off so that people can return to their normal activities. Currently, a temporary bridge is being built by TNI AD personnel from the Kodam Jaya ranks, so that temporarily only small vehicles can pass, while trucks are prohibited from passing through this area,” said Brigadier General Nugroho.
Not only reviewing, after reporting the conditions in the field to the Pangdam Jaya/Jayakarta, Brigadier General Nugroho also instructed that work on the temporary bridge begin today. With a spirit of mutual cooperation, repairs will be carried out as quickly as possible so that residents can again enjoy safe and comfortable road access.
The local community welcomed the TNI’s quick steps in handling this disaster. They hope that the synergy between the TNI, government, and community will continue to be strengthened in order to face similar challenges in the future.
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