
OSIS SMAN 3 Bengkalis Distributes Free Takjil,a Form of Concern in the Month of Ramadan

OSIS SMAN 3 Bengkalis Distributes Free Takjil, a Form of Concern in the Month of Ramadan

BENGKALIS –ASWINNEWS.COM – OSIS SMA Negeri 3 Bengkalis again showed its concern by holding a social action to share free takjil to motorists passing in front of their school on Jl. Pattimura No. 044, Bengkalis District, Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province, on Friday Afternoon, March 7, 2025. This activity was led directly by the Chairperson of OSIS SMA 3 Nikmah Syuhada, with guidance from the OSIS Advisor, Nukhairunnisak (Anis’ mother)

In her interview, the Chairperson of OSIS, Nikmah Syuhada, explained that this activity was an OSIS initiative as a form of concern for the community who are fasting.

“We want to share happiness in this month of Ramadan. Hopefully the takjil that we provide can help people who are still on the road to break their fast on time. We also hope that this activity can motivate other students to care more about others,” said Nikmah.

The OSIS Advisor, Mrs. Anis, greatly appreciates the enthusiasm and hard work of the students in making this activity a success. According to her, this sharing action is not just about providing food, but also teaches the values ​​of caring, cooperation, and responsibility to students.

“I am proud to see the OSIS children who are so enthusiastic in this activity. They not only learn to share, but also how to work together in a team and understand the importance of caring for the surrounding community,” she said.

This activity also involved all OSIS administrators in distributing takjil. The enthusiasm of the students can be seen from their enthusiasm in distributing food to drivers.

Nikmah Syuhada, Chairperson of OSIS SMA Negeri 3 Bengkalis also hopes that this activity can continue to be carried out every year and involve more parties, both students, teachers, and the surrounding community. With activities like this, it is hoped that the values ​​of togetherness and social concern will continue to grow among students, making them a generation that is not only academically intelligent but also has a high social spirit.

Writer Desi Mayasari
Editor Ardes


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