
Spiritual Awareness : The Foundation of a Civilized World

Spiritual Awareness: The Foundation of a Civilized World

By,Jacob Ereste
Freelance Journalist

Spiritual awareness is the understanding of human behavior in relation to God’s power and authority. Every good or bad deed will be known by God, and rewarded accordingly. Although the rewards may not be immediate, they will certainly come to pass. This is the foundation of spiritual awareness, which holds fast to God’s power.

Spiritual awareness does not need to be displayed or known to others. What is more important is that our actions have a positive impact on ourselves and others. This is based on the belief, as in Islam, in the mercy of God that is sent down from heaven. This belief and trust in God’s mercy can be accepted by all Abrahamic religions, not just Islam.

The Quran provides guidance, such as the straight path (sirotalmustakim). Humans should always be grateful that they are God’s most perfect creatures on earth, and can uphold the mercy that God has given to each human being as khalifatullah (God’s representative on earth).

Human perfection as God’s creatures is certainly more noble than any other creature, including angels who are believed to always do good to humans who have spiritual awareness, understanding, and intelligence. Angels will also help humans not to get lost during their lives on earth.

The miracles of the prophets and messengers are recorded in various scriptures, although in different versions and stories to be emulated. For example, the Surah Iqra in the Quran implies that it can be a spiritual guide to see further with the heart’s eye, which may not be reached by human intellect alone. To understand all this, one must be accompanied by emotional and spiritual intelligence that must obey ethics (sharia), morality (inner guidance), and perfect virtues.

Spiritual awareness will end when one enters the afterlife, which is entirely God’s authority and cannot be intervened by any creature, including humans and angels who are closest to God, except for the prophets and messengers who have received direct guidance from God.

Human existence on earth, like spiritual recreation, can explore from the North Pole to the South Pole. This means that human existence in the East and West is a destiny that cannot be denied and can become a place of spiritual awakening and understanding that will adorn the beauty of the earth in the form of human civilization in the future.

This is what is often referred to by the Spiritual Leader of Nusantara, Sri Eko Sriyanto Galgendu, as the “ayat-ayat bumi” (verses of the earth). The “ayat-ayat bumi” itself, according to Indonesian sociologist Prof. Ravik Karsidi, is the “ayat-ayat langit” (verses of the sky).

The verses of the sky can be clearly read from the signs of various planets, moons, and suns that show life without ever realizing who the owner is, who created it, and who maintains and controls it. In every part of the human body, there are also verses of human life that become part of the basis of the spiritual awakening movement.

Sri Eko Sriyanto Galgendu, as the Spiritual Leader of Nusantara, is preparing a major event to ground the universal spiritual movement by inviting and visiting several spiritual leaders from various countries. The event will be held in Indonesia (Jakarta, Yogyakarta, and Bali) to formulate joint steps in building human civilization for a future based on spirituality.

The hope is that Indonesia, together with spiritual leaders and religious figures from various countries, can soon realize a more civilized world with a spiritual basis.

Balaraja, March 6, 2025.


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