Jumsih, Purwakarta Regent Conducts Cleanup in Urban Areas
PURWAKARTA-ASWINNEWS.COM – Purwakarta Regent, Saepul Bahri Binzein together with the Environmental Service (DLH) held a cleanup in urban areas. He was seen cleaning up piles of garbage in front of the Talenta School entrance on Jalan Hidayat Martalogawa, Nagri Tengah Village, Friday (07/03/2025).
Om Zein, as he is often called, emphasized the importance of public awareness not to litter. According to him, the problem of garbage piling up in several areas in Purwakarta Regency has been going on for years, and garbage that is dumped in inappropriate places adds to the burden of cleanliness and beauty of the city.
At that location, piles of garbage are left alone and always increase because many people throw away garbage every day. Household waste to building debris that previously piled up 1 meter high on the side of the road, has now been transformed into something more beautiful after being cleaned and planted with trees.
“This garbage has been piling up for years. People throw garbage here, even though this is not a trash can. That is, throwing garbage in the wrong place, and now Om Zein has immediately cleaned it up so that it does not become a breeding ground for disease,” said Om Zein.
He said that people often ignore the major impacts caused by littering. Several steps have been taken to address the garbage problem that occurs on Jalan Hidayat Martalogawa.
“Yesterday we brought in an excavator, and worked with the village, sub-district, along with Satpol PP and related agencies to clean up the garbage, we immediately transported it and planted trees, there are no more littering there,” he said.
Om Zein emphasized that waste management is not only the responsibility of the government. “Don’t let Om Zein and the related government do the work. Let’s work together to maintain cleanliness. Throwing away garbage seems trivial, but the impact is very big,” he said.
Therefore, he invited all Purwakarta residents to care more about environmental cleanliness and health. The negative impacts of littering include causing clogged water channels which can cause flooding. In addition, garbage also has the potential to cause various diseases, spoil the view, and disrupt the comfort of residents.
Imagine if many people are sick, and the hospital is full, while those who come cannot afford to pay. This will greatly affect the lives of all of us, “he said.
In addition, piled up garbage also has the potential to clog drainage, which eventually causes flooding. “When the drainage is clogged, soil will accumulate there, and what happens is flooding. We must continue to repair and spend a lot of money on it. Don’t let this happen again, “concluded Om Zein.
Purwakarta Bureau
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