
Hardika Prayudi Declared to Have Passed the Dissertation and Earned a Doctoral Degree

Hardika Prayudi Declared to Have Passed the Dissertation and Earned a Doctoral Degree

SURABAYA-ASWINNEWS.COM- A total of 6 academics were selected as examiners for Hardika Prayudi Setyawan, an open dissertation exam in the Borneo Graha Widya Bakti STIESIA Surabaya room, on Thursday, March 6, 2025.

The title of the dissertation is the Design of a Competency Certification Scheme Model for Members of the Village Consultative Body (BPD) study in Bangkalan Regency which was attended by high-ranking officials of the STIESIA campus, invitees and Hardika Prayudi’s family, also witnessed the course of the open dissertation exam.

According to Hardika Prayudi Setyawan, there needs to be a certification scheme that is structured and structured, and has strong legitimacy from the Government, so that it is able to provide entry points for government officials themselves, so that it becomes eligible for government officials to obtain rights and obligations.

Prof. Dr. Budiyanto, M.S., the Chief Examiner of the doctoral dissertation gave the highest score, to the results of the open dissertation examination and declared Hardika Prayudi worthy of holding a doctoral degree.

“Hopefully Dr. Hardika Prayudi Setyawan, S.Pd., M.Pd., MM, his knowledge will be useful for the development of superior and dignified Indonesian Human Resources,” said Prof. Dr. Budiyanyanto, M.S.

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