
Dandim 0616/Imy Lieutenant Colonel Inf Yanuar and Wife,Review Victims of the Impact of the Whirlwind

Dandim 0616/Imy Lieutenant Colonel Inf Yanuar and Wife, Review Victims of the Impact of the Whirlwind

INDRAMAYU-ASWINNEWS.COM- On Friday, March 7, 2025 at 09.30 WIB, located in the Karang Sambung Block RT/RW: 11/03 Pabean Ilir Village, Pasekan District, Dandim 0616 Indramayu, Lieutenant Colonel Inf Yanuar Setiyaga and wife conducted a direct review of the victims affected by the whirlwind.

This activity was attended by
Pasi Kodim 0616 / Indramayu, Dansatgas Gulben Captain Inf Effendi, Danramil 1692/Sdg Captain Inf Dadang Iskandar, Bnpb Members,
Volunteers and the affected community.

In the activity, Dandim saw firsthand the impact of the tornado to provide moral support to the community affected by the tornado and provided packages of basic necessities, to slightly ease the mental burden or trauma caused by the tornado disaster.

The visit ended at 10.15 WIB, and during the activity, everything went safely and smoothly.



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