Blessed Friday: TNI and Persit Tanjungsari Distribute 600 Free Takjil Packages
TANJUNGSARI, SUMEDANG-ASWINNEWS.COM- In order to enliven the holy month of Ramadan, dozens of TNI soldiers from Koramil 1004 Tanjungsari together with the Mothers of Persit Kartika Chandra Kirana Ranting 5 Tanjungsari held a social activity entitled “Blessed Friday”.
In the activity which took place on Friday, March 7, 2025, at 17.30 WIB, they distributed free takjil to motorists, public transportation drivers, and pedestrians passing along the Tanjungsari-Sumedang Highway.
A total of 600 takjil packages, consisting of banana compote, snacks, and fresh drinks, were distributed to the community. These takjil packages came from the extended family of Koramil 1004 Tanjungsari as well as donations from benefactors such as RM. Alam Ciloa, Stronge Cafe, RM. Gudangsari, and Tahu Sari Bungsu.
The event was even more lively with the presence of the Sumedang KPJ (Street Singer Group) Band, who performed Islamic songs, adding to the lively atmosphere of ngabuburit in the area.
Captain Inf Agus Hermawan, Danramil 1004 Tanjungsari, said that this activity was part of the tradition of sharing that is always awaited by the community every Ramadan. “We want to share happiness with the community. This activity is not just about providing takjil, but also strengthening togetherness between the TNI and residents,” he said.
One of the motorcyclists, Mr. Oman, who received the takjil, expressed his gratitude. “Indeed, if the military holds an event, it will definitely make the residents happy. Especially during the month of Ramadan, they like to share takjil. Anyway, the military is the best!” he said enthusiastically.
The activity was closed with breaking the fast together and praying Maghrib in congregation at the Al Kahfi Mushola, Koramil 1004 Tanjungsari Headquarters. The event was also attended by Forkompincam Tanjungsari, including Sub-district Head Deni Nurdani and Tanjungsari Police Chief and his staff.
“Thank you to all parties who have supported this activity. Hopefully what we do will be a field of charity and worship for all of us. Aamiin,” concluded Captain Inf Agus Hermawan.
Herman, Sumedang bureau
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