
Regents Asmar Review Fire Location in Selatpanjang,Delibers Aid to Victims

Regent Asmar Reviews Fire Location in Selatpanjang, Delivers Aid to Victims

MERANTI – ASWINNEWS.COM – The Regent of the Meranti Islands, AKBP (Ret.) H. Asmar, moved quickly to review the fire location on Jalan Rumbia, Selatpanjang, Thursday (6/3/2025) morning. During the visit, he delivered aid to the victims as a form of the local government’s concern for its citizens who were hit by the disaster.

The fire that occurred in the early hours of the morning at around 02.00 WIB burned down three semi-permanent houses belonging to Agus, Elisabeth, and Destiani. There were no fatalities in the incident, but the material losses suffered were quite large.

To ease the burden on the victims, Regent Asmar delivered aid in the form of basic food packages, clothing, household equipment, and necessary population documents.

“We are sorry for this incident and hope that the victims remain steadfast. I have asked the Perkim Service to immediately provide special attention and help rebuild the burned houses,” said Asmar.

He also instructed all related OPDs to provide maximum assistance to affected residents. According to him, the presence of the government is very important in an emergency situation like this.

“I want every agency to move quickly in handling the disaster. The local government will always be there to help people in need,” he said.

In addition to providing material assistance, Regent Asmar also provided moral support to the victims so that they remain strong in facing this test. He emphasized that the government is committed to ensuring that affected residents can immediately return to their normal lives.

One of the fire victims, Agus, expressed his gratitude for the concern of the local government which quickly provided assistance. He hopes that the recovery process will run smoothly so that they can soon have a decent place to live again.

During this visit, Regent Asmar was accompanied by the Head of the Social Service Kamsiah, Head of Satpol PP and Damkar Tunjiarto, Head of Dukcapil Agustia Widodo, Head of Tebingtinggi District Husni Mubarak, and a number of other officials.

Writer: Rustami
Editor: Ardes


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