
Acting Village Head of Pambang Baru Appreciates DWP Bengkalis Assistance for Fire Victims

Acting Village Head of Pambang Baru Appreciates DWP Bengkalis’ Assistance for Fire Victims

BENGKALIS – ASWINNEWS.COM – The Pambang Baru Village Government, Bantan District, Bengkalis Regency, through Acting Village Head Solehan, S.Tr. Kes., expressed appreciation and gratitude to the Chairperson of the Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) of Bengkalis Regency, Ira Vandriyani, and members for the assistance provided to the fire victim, Azharuddin, a resident of Pambang Baru Village.

The handover of assistance which took place on Thursday (6/3/2025) was also accompanied by the Head of Bantan District, Rafli Kurniawan, S.IP., M.Sc., and his staff. The presence of the sub-district government in this activity shows the synergy between various parties in helping people who have been hit by disaster.

The Acting Village Head of Pambang Baru, Solehan, expressed his appreciation for the attention and concern of DWP Bengkalis. He hopes that the assistance can ease the burden on the victim’s family.

“On behalf of the village government and the community, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to Mrs. Ira Vandriyani and members of the Bengkalis DWP for their concern and assistance. Hopefully this will be a good deed and beneficial for the victim’s family,” said Solehan.

Meanwhile, Bantan Sub-district Head Rafli Kurniawan emphasized that the sub-district government will continue to strive to help residents in need, both through coordination with various parties and through other social actions.

The fire that hit Azharuddin’s house had previously invited sympathy from various parties. With this assistance, it is hoped that the affected family can immediately recover and return to their daily lives.

The Pambang Baru Village Government also invites all elements of society to continue to maintain the spirit of mutual cooperation in helping others who experience disasters
Author: Desi Mayasari
Editor: Ardes


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