Kodam XVIII/Kasuari Assists Basarnas Manokwari in Searching for Missing Victims of KM Dorolonda
MANOKWARI-ASWINNEWS.COM- Kodam XVIII/Kasuari, together with Fasharkan TNI AL Manokwari were deployed to assist the Basarnas Manokwari team in the search operation for a missing victim, a woman named Ardana Maria Salakory, who was reported to have fallen from the KM Dorolonda ship in the waters of West Papua where the report was received by the SAR Manokwarp Office on Monday (3/3/2025) at 22.00 WIT from the Head of Pelni Manokwari.
In this effort, Kodam XVIII/Kasuari deployed one RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat) unit to comb the search area, while Basarnas Manokwari deployed their own ship to expand the rescue reach, on Wednesday (5/3/2025).
Asops Kasdam XVIII/Kasuari, Colonel Inf Romas Herlandes, S.E. M.Si., M.M., who also participated in carrying out the check before departure, conveyed to the personnel who participated in this search that the most important factor in the search is to maintain security factors.
“To the personnel who will participate in this activity, the main factor is to maintain security in every stage of the search. Carry out this activity with enthusiasm because this is one of our duties in helping and a form of concern for the community,” he said.
On the other hand, Kapendam XVIII/Kasuari, Colonel Inf Syawaludin Abuhasan, S.Pd., stated that the involvement of the Indonesian Army in this mission was part of the humanitarian responsibility in helping the community.
“We have deployed one RIP unit and experienced personnel to help search for victims who are still missing. We continue to coordinate with Basarnas and related agencies to speed up the evacuation process,” he said.
Head of Basarnas Manokwari, Yefri Sabaruddin, said that information about the fall of Ardana was known after the victim’s family reported it through the complaint channel on social media.
He said that after learning about the missing report, Basarnas Manokwari immediately sought information from the shipping company, which was not yet known in detail.
The search team used various methods, including sea patrols, aerial monitoring, and diving around the location of the incident. With the involvement of various parties, it is hoped that the victims who are still missing can be found soon.
Until now, the search operation is still ongoing. Kodam XVIII/Kasuari, Fasharkan TNI AL Manokwari together with Basarnas Manokwari appealed to the public, especially the families of the victims, to remain calm and wait for official information from the authorities.
Information obtained during the search which began at 08.00 to 17.00 WIT, the search for victims has not yielded results, but the search will continue until the specified time limit.
(Pendam XVIII/Ksr)