Bumdes Mulia Jaya Abadi Holds MDPT for Fiscal Year 2024 Resam Lapis Village
Bumdes Mulia Jaya Abadi Holds MDPT for Fiscal Year 2024 Resam Lapis Village
BENGKALIS – ASWINNEWS.COM – The Village-Owned Enterprise (BUMDes) Mulia Jaya Abadi held the Annual Accountability Village Deliberation (MDPT) for Fiscal Year 2024 at the Resam Lapis Village Hall, Bantan District, Bengkalis Regency, on Wednesday (5/3/2025)
This activity was attended by the Acting (Pj) Head of Resam Lapis Village, Muhammad Haris Pahlevi, BUMDes administrators, village officials, Village Consultative Body (BPD), community leaders, and representatives of residents.
In his remarks, Muhammad Haris Pahlevi emphasized the importance of transparency and accountability in the management of BUMDes so that it can continue to develop and provide benefits to the village community.
“This MDPT is not just a formality, but a form of our joint commitment to building a more independent village economy. We hope that the reports submitted can be a joint evaluation to improve BUMDes performance in the coming year,” he said.
In this meeting, the management of BUMDes Mulia Jaya Abadi presented financial reports and business achievements throughout 2024. In addition, the forum also discussed work plans and business development strategies in 2025 to increase village income and community welfare.
MDPT participants provided various inputs related to BUMDes management, including efforts to strengthen the ongoing business sector and opportunities for developing new, more potential businesses.
The meeting was closed with a joint agreement on strategic steps for more optimal BUMDes management. With this MDPT, it is hoped that BUMDes Mulia Jaya Abadi can continue to develop as the main pillar of the economy of Resam Lapis Village.