
AMS Foundation Sole Distributor of BIS-FB Animal Feed

AMS Foundation Sole Distributor of BIS-FB Animal Feed

JAKARTA-ASWINNEWS.COM- The ASWINNEWS.COM Jakarta media crew, Wednesday, March 5, 2025, visited the Owner of AMS Foundation Fidelis Betekeneng, at his residence in East Jatinegara, regarding animal feed that is being marketed throughout Indonesia, already labeled Sucofindo certified.

“BIS-FB animal feed Sari Pati from Palm Oil becomes palm oil and the rest is very nutritious which is very high in vitamins and fat for the best animal feed for all types of fish, poultry, goats, sheep, pigs and cows, so that it can make fat and easy to sell,” he said.

“Animal feed is produced directly from East Kalimantan, every month it can produce up to 3000 metric tons of animal feed. This animal feed is the best, it can make all types of animals within 3-4 months can be sold with maximum weight because it has a multivitamin content that can be mixed with additional food such as bran, other leaves, cassava etc.,” said Fidelis Betekeneng.

The retail market price on the island of Java is around 8-10 thousand per kg, the minimum order at each location is one container of 20 feat, which is 25 tons including shipping, with the exact distributor price.
If interested, you can contact WhatsApp 081296243612 to make a transaction.

Ine Sri Rahayu
DPP ASWIN Public Relations


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