Floods Surround Bekasi City, West Java
KOTA BEKASI-ASWINNEWS.COM- The Bekasi City BPBD, West Java, stated that the floods that paralyzed several areas of Bekasi were caused by high-intensity rain and overflowing water from the upper reaches of the Bekasi River. Spreading to 20 points and 7 sub-districts, after being hit by heavy rain since Monday (3/3) night yesterday.
The Head of the Bekasi City BPBD, Priadi Santoso, explained that high-intensity rain was the cause of the flood and was exacerbated by similar conditions in the upper reaches of the Bekasi River, especially Bogor.
“High-intensity rain that lasted for a long duration in the upper reaches of the Bekasi River and Bekasi City caused an increase in water discharge and flooding in several areas,” he said in Bekasi, Tuesday (4/3).
He said that there were at least 20 flood points spread across seven sub-districts throughout Bekasi City with water levels varying from 20 centimeters to three meters, causing thousands of residents to be forced to evacuate.
Floods have submerged seven sub-districts, including East Bekasi, North Bekasi, South Bekasi, Medan Satria, Jatiasih, Pondok Gede and Rawalumbu sub-districts.
In East Bekasi sub-district, there are three flood points including Gang Mawar RT 8 RW 3 with a water level of three meters, Gang Semar RT 4 RW 4 as high as 70 centimeters and Kampung Lengkak RT 04 RW 8 with a height of 80 centimeters.
The area of Kampung Lebak, Teluk Pucung Village, North Bekasi sub-district was also submerged in floods as high as 180 centimeters with the number of affected residents reaching 360 people who have now been evacuated to the Jumiatur Khoir Mosque.
A total of three flood points have also submerged the South Bekasi sub-district area with details of Bumi Satria Kencana Housing as high as 110 centimeters, Jaka Kencana Housing with a height of up to three meters and Depnaker Housing as high as 150 centimeters.
“In Medan Satria District, floods submerged the residential areas of RT 1, 8 and 9 in RW 03 Kali Baru Village as high as 100 centimeters,” he said.
Mirza Sharz,
Bekasi contributor
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