
Doctor and Mitra Sejati Hospital Medan Reportedly to North Sumatra Police

Doctor and Mitra Sejati Hospital Medan Reportedly to North Sumatra Police

MEDAN-ASWINNEWS.COM- Doctor Aswadi Tanjung who works at Mitra Sejati Hospital in Medan City, was reported to the North Sumatra Police, on suspicion of negligence, resulting in a patient named Julita Beru Surbakti being disabled for life.

The 43-year-old patient’s right leg was amputated without the consent of her husband or family. The family only agreed to surgery on the toe, not the amputation of the right leg.

Epredi Sembiring, Julita’s husband reported the treating doctor and hospital management to the North Sumatra Police Headquarters, Monday (3/3/2025) afternoon together with his legal advisor, Hans Silalahi SH MH.

“So, today we are reporting Mitra Sejati Hospital Medan and its doctors on suspicion of malpractice or negligence in accordance with Article 440. We hope that investigators will enforce the law, because our client’s wife is disabled because her leg was amputated,” said Hans.

According to Hans, this hospital is suspected of being immune from the law. Because there have been many cases of alleged malpractice that have occurred in hospitals.

“Yesterday there was also a toddler who died due to alleged negligence. We ask the Ministry of Health, the Governor of North Sumatra and the Mayor of Medan to review a number of cases of alleged negligence in this hospital,” he added.

In addition, his team of lawyers will report the doctor who treated the patient to the Indonesian Doctors Association and the Code of Medical Ethics.

“We suspect that this hospital also violated its permits. The doctor who treated the patient must also have his permit checked. Law enforcement must be carried out,” he explained.

The victim’s husband admitted that this case had been going on for 6 days, Julita Br Surbakti underwent an amputation operation on (24/2/2025) yesterday.

However, the Mitra Sejati Hospital in Medan City, North Sumatra. It seemed not to “respond” to the condition of the patient who was suspected of being a victim of malpractice by doctors from the Mitra Sejati Hospital.

“We are already upset, maybe because we are poor people, small people and use BPJS Health services, so we are treated like this, I hope that the doctor and hospital will be prosecuted,” said Epredi Sembiring.

As is known, currently the condition of patient Julita Br Surbakti is conscious after undergoing surgery to amputate her right leg on Monday (24/2/2025) yesterday.

However, currently Julita Br Surbakti is still experiencing trauma after losing one leg due to alleged malpractice by a doctor at Mitra Sejati Hospital.

It can be seen, accompanied by her nephew, Julita Br Surbakti’s condition on Sunday afternoon was still lying weakly in room No. 349, 3rd floor, Mitra Sejati Hospital, Medan. *



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