
Bengkalis Police Holds “Serabi Bengkalis” Program to Share in the Month of Ramadan

Bengkalis Police Hold “Serabi Bengkalis” Program to Share in the Month of Ramadan

BENGKALIS – ASWINNEWS.COM – In order to enliven the holy month of Ramadan, the Bengkalis Police held a social program “Serabi Bengkalis” (Distribution of Social Assistance & Provisions of the Bengkalis Police). This activity took place at two locations, namely in front of the Bengkalis Police Headquarters, Jalan Pertanian, Bengkalis District on Monday (3/3/2025) and at the Simpang Tiga Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Sungai Bengkel on Tuesday (4/3/2025).

Bengkalis Police Chief AKBP Budi Setiawan, S.I.K., M.I.K. and his staff were present in person at this activity. He said that this program aims to share sustenance with the community, strengthen relations between the Police and residents, and foster social awareness in the midst of community life.

“The month of Ramadan is the right moment to share with each other. We want to be present not only as law enforcers, but also as part of the community that cares about others,” said the Bengkalis Police Chief.

In addition to distributing social assistance, the Police Chief and his staff also visited the Ramadan Bazaar on Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, met directly with traders and gave an appeal to maintain order and security during this holy month.

The Police Chief also invited the community to obey traffic regulations and maintain environmental security. He emphasized the importance of cooperation between the police and residents in creating a safe and conducive atmosphere during Ramadan.

This activity received a positive response from the community. Many residents felt helped by the social assistance provided, especially those in need. One of the recipients of the assistance admitted that he was very grateful for the attention given by the Bengkalis Police.

With this program, it is hoped that there will be a closer relationship between the Police and the community, as well as a more harmonious, safe, and caring environment during the month of Ramadan.

Author Desi Mayasari
Editor Ardes


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