
DPD BAMAGNAS Cirebon Conducts Visit to Laskar Agung Macan Ali Nuswantara Headquarters

DPD BAMAGNAS Cirebon Conducts Visit to Laskar Agung Macan Ali Nuswantara Headquarters

CIREBON- ASWINNEWS.COM-The Regional Leadership Council of the National Inter-Church Consultative Body (DPD BAMAGNAS) Cirebon conducted a visit to the Laskar Agung Macan Ali Nuswantara Headquarters of the Cirebon Sultanate.

Their arrival was welcomed directly by the High Commander of Laskar Agung Macan Ali Nuswantara, Prabu Diaz.

During this visit, the Chairman of DPD BAMAGNAS Cirebon, Adirao, handed over Black Forest Honey to Prabu Diaz as a form of appreciation, as well as attention to his health.

This gift reflects respect for his role as a community figure who consistently fights for togetherness in diversity.

Adirao emphasized that this meeting was not just a means of friendship, but also real proof that the spirit of unity can be closely knit amidst the diversity of tribes, cultures, and religions.

“We greatly appreciate the dedication of Laskar Agung Macan Ali in maintaining the values ​​of togetherness and mutual cooperation. We hope that this good relationship can continue to be established to build harmony in society,” said Adirao Saturday, March 1, 2025, to reporters from Cirebon.

Meanwhile, Prabu Diaz expressed his gratitude for the visit and attention given. He emphasized that Laskar Agung Macan Ali Nuswantara will continue to be committed to maintaining unity and guarding national values ​​that uphold diversity as the main strength of the Indonesian nation.

Furthermore, in the near future, Laskar Agung Macan Ali Nuswantara will also be involved in escorting the journey of the International Thudong Monk from Thailand to Borobudur Temple, Indonesia, in mid-March to May 2025 in celebration of Waisak Day. This escort is carried out as a form of respect for spiritual traditions and a commitment to maintaining tolerance between religious communities.

This gathering is expected to be a positive step in strengthening brotherhood across religions and cultures, while also emphasizing that diversity is a wealth that must be maintained together.

With the synergy between various elements of society, it is hoped that a harmonious and peaceful life will be created in the city of Cirebon and throughout Indonesia.

Author, AbahRoy
Chairman of DPC Aswin, Cirebon City


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