
Audiensi of the Minister of Law and the Indonesian Composers Association

Audience of the Minister of Law and the Indonesian Composers Association

JAKARTA-ASWINNEWS.COM- Doorstop at the lobby of Graha Pengayoman, Ministry of Law, Thursday (27/02) at 16.00 WIB, after the Composers Association and the Minister of Law (DR Supratman Andi Agtas SH MH), finished the Audience, met with media colleagues regarding the conclusions of the meeting.

“The results of the meeting with representatives of 20 composers, especially songwriters, to the Ministry of Law who provided good input to the government whose plan is to revise the Copyright Law, especially for songwriters, is still rolling in parliament and waiting, hopefully not too long, then the government will take a stance, the most important thing is that we must create a music ecosystem in Indonesia to get certainty of protection of intellectual property rights, copyrights and their benefits that have economic value which are regulated in detail, therefore it must be protected for the music industry for songwriters, singers or event organizers including the community, we are grateful for their presence and very good input, what is certain is that the government’s position is still waiting, confident and believes that it will provide certainty of the Copyright Law and stakeholders, the government has a high commitment,” said Supratman Andi

” The problem of protecting the Copyright Law, especially regarding songwriters, only the existing articles are still wrong regarding implementing music events or music congress events since the enactment of the Copyright Law in 2014, regarding songwriters not getting their rights, not getting many benefits, many of their lives are not prosperous, that the current government has given a positive response and immediately made changes and is still waiting, hopefully this can be realized soon,” said Piyu Padi.

Representatives of Composers who attended included; Piyu Padi, Badai, Anji, Bemby Noor, Pika Iskandar, Denny and Chasmala.

Ine Sri Rahayu
Public Relations of DPP ASWIN


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