
Journalist Pre-Certification at SMK Al-Hidayah Cirebon City,Equips Students With Journalism

Journalist Pre-Certification at SMK Al-Hidayah Cirebon City, Equips Students With Journalism

CIREBON CITY-ASWINNEWS- COM-A total of 20 students from SMK Al Hidayah, Cirebon City participated in the School Journalist Pre-Certification organized by DPC Aswin, Cirebon City in collaboration with SMK Al Hidayah, Cirebon City by presenting the Editor-in-Chief of, Abdul Nuryaji as a speaker.

This activity aims to equip students with a deep understanding of the world of journalism, starting from the history of journalists, the journalist code of ethics, to news writing techniques that are in accordance with journalistic standards.

In his presentation, he explained that the journalist profession has a long history in the world of information and communication.

“A journalist must adhere to the principles of truth, accuracy, and balance in every news presented,” he said. Thursday, 27/02/2025

“He also emphasized the importance of the journalistic code of ethics that every journalist must adhere to, such as independence, objectivity, and the prohibition of spreading hoaxes.

In addition to theory, participants also received training in a practical news writing session. They were guided to understand the 5W + 1H structure and how to compose news that is short, concise, and clear.

The Principal of SMK Al Hidayah, Cirebon City, Hasanudin, S.Sos.I, welcomed this activity.

“This is a rare opportunity for our students to learn directly from media practitioners. We hope they can develop good news writing skills,” he said.

Meanwhile, DPD Aswin Jabar, H. Moh. Rohiyat, S.E., said that this program aims to produce competent school journalists who are ready to compete in the world of journalism. “We want to form a young generation that is critical and skilled in conveying information,” he said.

The participants looked enthusiastic about participating in this session and hoped to be able to proceed to the official certification stage. With this training, it is expected that they will be able to become young journalists who are professional and responsible in presenting information to the public.

Author, AbahRoy
Chairman of Aswin Kota Cirebon


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