
Docang Indramayu Mbah Kartini on Jalan Cuteng which is Legendary and Delicious

Docang Indramayu Mbah Kartini on Jalan Cuteng which is Legendary and Delicious

By: Sujaya, S. Pd. Gr.
(DPP ASWIN Advisory Board)

For those who enjoy traditional Indramayu food, they may be familiar with the breakfast food called Docang. The only Docang seller in Indramayu is on Jalan Cuteng, Indramayu city.

Traditional food hunters are already familiar with Docang Mbah Kartini. Mbah Kartini has been selling Docang for more than 60 years and is now continued by her son who has also been selling Docang for almost 35 years. It is said that Mbah Kartini also inherited the Docang recipe from her mother who also sells Docang at her house,

Docang is a typical food from Cirebon, West Java. This dish consists of lontong cut into pieces, mixed with cassava leaves, bean sprouts, crackers, and tempeh gembus. The sauce comes from oncom and dage spices and a little bit of ground tauco, then poured with savory hot sauce. Usually, docang is served with additional chili sauce and grated coconut to add flavor.

This food is often eaten for breakfast because of its distinctive and filling taste. Docang also has a unique taste which is a combination of savory, slightly sour, and spicy.

Docang is a typical Cirebon food that has a long history, even believed to have existed since the time of the Cirebon Sultanate in the 15th century.

The name “docang” itself comes from a combination of the words “bodo” (baceman or fermentation) and “kacang” (green beans or bean sprouts), which are the main ingredients in this dish.

Docang is believed to be a folk food that has developed since the reign of Sunan Gunung Jati, one of the Wali Songo.

This dish is often consumed by the community as a simple food that is filling and nutritious.

Docang was then developed by Traders and the Community. Because the ingredients are easy to get and cheap, docang has become a favorite food among farmers and traders in Cirebon.

Over time, docang has developed into a regional specialty that is often sold in traditional markets and stalls.

The development of Docang Food to Indramayu has a long history, Docang, which originates from Cirebon, has developed and spread to various surrounding areas, including Indramayu. This development occurred due to cultural and trade interactions between Cirebon and Indramayu which are still in the same Pantura cultural area (North Coast of West Java).

The factor of the spread of Docang to Indramayu was also influenced by community mobility. Many Indramayu residents are active in Cirebon, either for trading, working, or school, so they know and bring docang home to their area.

Traders from Cirebon also often sell their special foods to Indramayu.

The people of Indramayu and Cirebon have similarities in their taste in food, namely liking soup dishes with distinctive spices.

Basic ingredients of docang such as lontong, cassava leaves, bean sprouts, and dage are also easy to find in Indramayu.

Local Adaptation and Variations. However, as docang develops in Indramayu, several variations may appear, such as additional side dishes or differences in the seasoning of the sauce.

In Indramayu, docang can be adjusted to the tastes of local people who prefer a savory and slightly spicy taste, even mixed with pieces of sticky rice lontong.

One of the connoisseurs and visitors of Docang Mbah Kartini, Mrs. Hj. Dini who comes from Ciamis also often hangs out for breakfast at Warung Docang Mbah Kartini.

“Docang typical of Mbah Kartini is actually very simple compared to Docang Cirebon, the contents are only boiled bean sprouts, peanut powder and special spices, but there are pieces of sticky rice that make Docang Indramayu more typical,

Indramayu, 2/27/2025


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