
The Range of Human Spiritual Journey From God to God

The Range of Human Spiritual Journey From God to God

By: Jacob Ereste
Freelance Journalist

Separating religion and culture is almost identical to trying to sort out gold and atmosphere. Both are often united in one understanding and knowledge that needs to be investigated in the span of history and even philosophy. That is why in Islam many people mistakenly identify the peci as an identity for one religion. In fact, because the peci enforcers are predominantly worn by Muslims, so that the peci seems to belong to or be the identity of Muslims. In fact, the peci belongs to the culture of Malay society, like the sarong which is almost always worn in Malay traditional events.

My childhood experience, when performing obligatory prayers in a remote area of ​​Indonesia, there was a kind of obligation to wear a sarong when. Especially when at home alone. After further investigation, it turns out that the attitude that requires wearing sarongs when performing prayers has become part of the culture of society that is simply attached to many religious rituals

It seems that this is why President Soekarno once said that Muslims in Indonesia do not need to try to become Arabs, even though Islam itself originated from Arabia. This means that religion is not identical to culture. Although religion can enrich culture, it does not necessarily mean that religion is lower than culture. In fact, culture itself is more dominantly nurtured and raised by religion.

At other times, culture is often more dominant than religion. So that the various characteristics inherent in religion are dominant, such as being guided or even led by culture. Starting from the style of reciting the holy verses of the Qur’an, many are immersed in the style and tone of local speech. Not only in the Arabian peninsula, the distinctive tone and color of the pronunciation are different from those in other regions, but when doing it, it is also differentiated by time.

In tradition and culture — in general in Indonesia — it is natural to have various schools or orders that in essence do not need to be questioned. Because what is important is the essence of the guidance and teachings of religion itself is carried out in the best way, then a number of rules and guidance are obeyed and practiced for the sake of and for the benefit of the people so that they can live in harmony and harmony until they are together and harmonious with the community and the surrounding environment.

That is how local cultural values ​​play a role and take part in the development of religion such as the welcome of the local community culture; where the earth is stepped on, there the sky is also upheld. The symbolic meaning of this proverb still prioritizes the values ​​of the sky which are more sacred and full of unlimited spiritual values.

Spirituality itself is intertwined from religion entering the cultural area and vice versa from culture back to religion. Therefore, the spiritual journey is full of religious content and is decorated with cultural accessories with various colors and patterns typical of the culture where the spiritual awakening and awareness movement takes place. Although generally in the archipelago, it is predominantly accompanied by mantras, hymns, or puja and praise to the Almighty, all are clear from the form that expresses belief and faith in the Almighty God and Almighty over the universe and His creations.

Maybe that is why the original religion of the ancestors of the Nusantara tribes seemed very close and intimate with nature as a creation of God. So, when the earth trembles, the natural cries of humans will shout to God.

Even in the traditions of the Nusantara tribes, not a few will enter the wilderness just to find inner peace such as to Akas Ketonggo in Ngawi, East Java or Alas Purwo and Alas Roban to perform tirakak or pray in the pekenggagan there. Usually, more pilgrims will come, especially when they are about to enter the new Hijriah year which is often also called the month of Suro.

Banten,February 26,2025


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