
Borobudur University Jakarta Ready to Provide Scholarships for Hafiz Qur’an

Borobudur University Jakarta Ready to Provide Scholarships for Hafiz Qur’an

JAKARTA-ASWINNEWS.COM- The Assembly of the Prophet Muhammad SAW successfully held a Grand Tablik at the Borobudur University Campus Mosque in Jakarta.

Prof. Ir.H Bambang Bernanthos, M.Sc, Chancellor of Borobudur University, East Jakarta, told, Wednesday, February 26, 2025, that our University, namely Borobudur University, is ready to provide Scholarships to Hafiz Qur’an. Whoever is a Hafiz of the Qur’an, please come to our campus at Borobudur University.

“Then for orphans and orphans who are hafiz of the Qur’an, please come, those who are Hafiz will be tested later, also people who are Hafiz Qur’an can get scholarships from Borobudur University,” he said.

“Later they will all fill our mosque, namely, in the Borobudur University complex mosque so that it is more prosperous. And, I am sure and I believe that,” said the Chancellor.

He continued, that this is the third time Tablik Akbar has been held on our campus, since this assembly was led by (the late) Habib Munzir bin Fuad Al Musawa.

“This has a beneficial impact on our environment on campus, the Mosque at Borobudur University, and also on the wider community,” said Professor Haji Bambang to Sudrajat in a friendly chat, while continuing, I have spoken with Hamid bin Jaffar Al Gadri for the next continuation.
God willing, we will invite the Rasulullah assembly again, there will be many blessings and benefits.

“My hope is that the students will be more familiar with moral values ​​and spiritual mentality to live this life by competing in goodness, Fastabiqul Khairat,” said Prof. Ir. Haji Bambang Bernanthos, MS.c. Chancellor of Borobudur University, Jakarta.

Author: Sudrajat
Editor.: Nuryaji


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