
Ahead of Ramadan,Muntai Village Government Holds Grave Pilgrimage Residents Hope This Tradition Will Be Preservef

Ahead of Ramadan, Muntai Village Government Holds Grave Pilgrimage: Residents Hope This Tradition Will Be Preserved

BENGKALIS – ASWINNEWS.COM – Welcoming the holy month of Ramadan, the Muntai Village Government (Pemdes) held a joint grave pilgrimage activity on Wednesday (26/2/2025) at 13.30 WIB in Taman Layu, Muntai Village, Bantan District, Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province.

The series of events began with the reading of tahlil, dhikr, and joint prayers that were said to pray for the deceased, including parents, village founders, traditional figures, village heroes, teachers, and ancestors of the Muntai Village residents.

The Head of Muntai Village, Muhammad Nurin, said that this activity is an annual tradition that has an important meaning for the community. “This grave pilgrimage is not only a religious ritual, but also a moment to strengthen relations between residents and honor the services of our predecessors. I hope this tradition will continue to be maintained and passed on to the younger generation,” he said.

This activity was warmly welcomed by the community. Siti Rohani (45), one of the residents who attended, expressed her gratitude for the event. “I am happy to be able to join the pilgrimage with the residents. This is a reminder for all of us to always pray for the families who have passed away. Hopefully this tradition will continue every year,” she said.

In line with that, Dedi Saputra (30), another resident, hopes that this activity will further strengthen the ties of friendship. “Especially as Ramadan approaches, this is the right time to forgive each other and improve relationships between residents,” he said.

The event, which took place solemnly, was closed with a joint prayer, asking for safety for all residents and for the smooth running of the upcoming fasting. The residents who attended hope that activities like this will continue to be part of the Muntai Village tradition.

Writer Desi Mayasari
Editor Ardes


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