
Tape Culinary, More Than Just Taste,It’s a Part of History,Identity and Life’s Journey

Tape Culinary: More Than Just Taste, It’s a Part of History, Identity, and Life’s Journey

By,Abah Roy

Tape is not just about its sweet and rich flavor that tempts the taste buds.

Behind its simplicity, this fermented delicacy holds a long history, becoming part of cultural identity and capturing the life journey of many people.

From generation to generation, tape has witnessed various events, from family traditions and cultural ceremonies to symbolizing change and resilience in life.

The Historical Footprints of Tape

Tape has been known since ancient times as one of the signature fermented foods of the Nusantara. Its simple production process—fermenting cassava or glutinous rice with yeast—makes it an easy-to-make delicacy, yet rich in philosophy.

In different regions, tape has unique variations. In West Java, there is peuyeum, a drier type of fermented cassava often hung for storage.

Meanwhile, in Central and East Java, cassava tape is moister with a distinct sweet taste. Not to be forgotten, glutinous rice tape in Sumatra is often mixed into traditional dishes and beverages.

Cultural Identity in Every Bite

Tape is not just an everyday snack; it is also part of rituals and traditions. In weddings, thanksgiving feasts, or cultural celebrations, tape is often present as a symbol of blessing.

In some areas, tape also carries philosophical meanings, such as patience and perseverance—teaching that everything requires a process, just as cassava must undergo fermentation before becoming delicious tape.

Tape in Memories and Life’s Journey

For many people, tape is a part of nostalgia. Some remember it as a childhood snack enjoyed with family.

Others associate it with traveling to certain regions, tasting the traditional tape made from time-honored recipes. Even in modern life, tape continues to evolve, appearing in culinary innovations such as es tape (tape ice dessert), bolu tape (tape cake), and fried tape, which are becoming increasingly popular.

More than just food, tape is a cultural heritage that lives on. It teaches us that every process—whether in food or in life—requires time and patience to create something valuable. With every bite of tape, we taste more than just flavor—we savor the history, identity, and memories embedded within it.

Cirebon,February 25,2025


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