
Novi Citra Indriyati Controversy : Between Freedom of Expression and Institutional Sanctions

Novi Citra Indriyati Controversy: Between Freedom of Expression and Institutional Sanctions

By: Abah Roy
Chairman of DPC ASWIN Cirebon

Novi Citra Indriyati, vocalist of punk band Sukatani, suddenly became the spotlight after being dismissed from her position as a teacher at SD IT Mutiara Hati, Banjarnegara, on February 6, 2025.

The school stated that this decision was taken due to a violation of the code of ethics related to Islamic law, especially regarding social media posts that were considered inconsistent with the values ​​adopted by the school.

However, Novi’s dismissal drew strong reactions from various parties. The Federation of Indonesian Teachers’ Unions (FSGI) and the Education and Teachers Association (P2G) condemned the action, considering that the decision was arbitrary and had the potential to violate the rights of teachers to professional protection.

They highlighted that the reasons for dismissal related to an educator’s personal life could set a bad precedent for individual freedom in the educational environment.

This controversy has grown along with the viral song “Bayar Bayar Bayar”, performed by Sukatani.

The song sharply criticizes alleged corruption practices among police officers, with lyrics that allude to situations where people feel they have to pay to get services or avoid sanctions.

However, just a few weeks after the song surfaced, Sukatani announced its withdrawal from all streaming platforms and apologized to the National Police on February 20, 2025.

The band’s decision to withdraw the song has raised various speculations.

Was this purely an internal decision, or was there pressure from certain parties? Regardless, this action further shows how freedom of expression in the realm of art still faces major challenges when it touches on institutional and political realms.

In the midst of this polemic, the Regent of Purbalingga, Fahmi Muhammad Hanif, offered Novi the opportunity to return to teaching in his area.

This move is seen as a form of support for freedom of expression and the right to work for individuals who face pressure due to their views or work.

The case of Novi Citra Indriyati reflects a broader dilemma in Indonesia—about the boundaries between individual freedom, social norms, and institutional power. Is this simply a case of internal discipline, or part of a larger pattern of silencing critical expression? The answer is still being debated in society.

Cirebon, February 25, 2025


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