
After Lucky Hakim-Syaefudin Inugurated PCNU Chair Urges Nahdiyin to Maintain Conduciveness

After Lucky Hakim-Syaefudin Inaugurated, PCNU Chair Urges Nahdiyin to Maintain Conduciveness

INDRAMAYU-ASWINNEWS.COM- The Nahdlatul Ulama (PCNU) Branch Management of Indramayu Regency conveyed its congratulations after Lucky Hakim-Syaefudin was inaugurated as Regent and Deputy Regent of Indramayu for the 2025-2030 period. They appealed to all Nahdiyin in Indramayu Regency to maintain conduciveness.

“On behalf of all levels of the PCNU Indramayu management, Institutions, Banoms, MWC structures and NU Branches throughout Indramayu Regency, I would like to congratulate and wish success to Mr. Lucky Hakim and Mr. H. Syaefudin, on their inauguration as Regent and Deputy Regent of Indramayu for the 2025-2030 period,” said the Chairman of PCNU Indramayu, KH Muhammad Mustofa, Tuesday (25/2/2025).

The change in regional head leadership, according to Kang Mus, his nickname, will certainly change the methods and strategies in developing the region.

Initially, Indramayu had a vision of Dignity, now through the vision of Indramayu REANG (Religious, People’s Economy, Safe, Comfortable, and Mutual Cooperation), more or less there will be changes.

“Hopefully (the vision of Indramayu Reang, -ed.) in the future, it will be able to bring even better benefits to the people of Indramayu,” said Kang Mus.

In addition, Kang Mus also appealed specifically to the Nahdiyin and in general the entire Indramayu community, to maintain conduciveness, order, and security after the change of leadership in Indramayu district.

“To the Nahdiyin throughout Indramayu district, to create a conducive, safe, comfortable, and peaceful atmosphere, for the progress of the Indramayu district. The regional elections are over, it’s time to come together to build the region,” explained Kang Mus.

“Moreover, soon we will welcome the holy month of Ramadan, there needs to be an increase in worship and to cleanse the heart from all anger and envy,” he concluded.



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