Disperindagkop Together with Polres Kepulauan Meranti Monitor Availability of Basic Necessities Ahead of Ramadhan 1446 H

Disperindagkop Together with Polres Kepulauan Meranti Monitor Availability of Basic Necessities Ahead of Ramadhan 1446 H

MERANTI – ASWINNEWS.COM – The Department of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives, and SMEs (Disperindagkop) of Kepulauan Meranti Regency together with Polres Kepulauan Meranti monitored the availability and prices of basic necessities (bapokting) ahead of Ramadhan 1446 Hijri. This activity was carried out on Monday (24/2/2025) morning at the Jalan Tanjung Harapan Modern Market and the Sinjaya Grocery Store, Kepulauan Meranti Regency.

Head of Disperindagkop, Izam, SE, said that this monitoring aims to ensure that food stocks remain safe and prices of basic necessities remain stable ahead of Ramadhan. “The stock of rice and other basic necessities in Kepulauan Meranti Regency is still safe and sufficient for the needs of the community until the holy month of Ramadhan. We appeal to the public not to panic buy which can actually trigger a shortage of goods,” he said. Izam emphasized that his party will continue to monitor together with the Meranti Islands Police to maintain price stability in the market.

In line with that, the Meranti Islands Police Chief AKBP Kurnia Setyawan SH SIK through the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit Iptu Yohn Mabel, S.Tr.K., S.I.K., M.H., said that this activity is important to prevent price spikes and ensure that food stocks are available according to the Highest Retail Price (HET). “We, together with the Trade and Industry Office, are committed to maintaining price stability and ensuring that people’s needs are met ahead of Ramadan,” he said.

Here are the results of monitoring the prices of basic commodities:

Padang Red Chili: IDR 50,000/Kg (down from IDR 80,000/Kg)

Rawit Chili: IDR 55,000/Kg (stable)

Shallots: IDR 42,000/Kg (up from IDR 38,000/Kg)

Garlic: IDR 40,000/Kg (stable)

Javanese Shallots: IDR 38,000/Kg (down from IDR 40,000/Kg)

Clean Chicken Meat: IDR 42,000/Kg (up from IDR 41,000/Kg)

Dirty Chicken: IDR 32,000/Kg (up from IDR 31,000/Kg)

Beef: IDR 160,000/Kg (stable)

Wave Rice Love: IDR 315,000/20 Kg (down from IDR 330,000/20 Kg)

Aroma Rice: IDR 380,000/25 Kg (stable)

Soybeans: IDR 525,000/50 Kg (down from IDR 625,000/50 Kg)

Chicken Eggs: IDR 50,000/board (stable)

Economical Flour: IDR 293,000/25 Kg (stable)

Premium Flour: IDR 380,000/25 Kg (stable)

Minyakita: IDR 17,500/liter (stable)

Monitoring results show that the price of basic necessities in the Meranti Islands Regency is generally still stable, and food availability in the Selatpanjang City area is sufficient to meet the needs of the community ahead of Ramadhan 1446 H.

Author Rudi
Editor Ardes


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