
SMK Al-Hidayah Cirebon Holds Joint Prayer to Commemorate Isra’ Mi’raj and Welcome Ramadhan

SMK Al-Hidayah Cirebon Holds Joint Prayer to Commemorate Isra’ Mi’raj and Welcome Ramadhan

CIREBON CITY-ASWINNEWS.COM- SMK Al Hidayah Cirebon City held a joint prayer to commemorate Isra’ Mi’raj and welcome the holy month of Ramadan, Saturday, February 22, 2025.

The activity was attended by all school residents, including students, teachers, and administrative staff.

The event began with the reading of the holy verses of the Koran, followed by a joint prayer led by Ustaz Drs. Khulwani. And continued with the recitation of the book Al-Barzanji, accompanied by Hadrah SMK Al Hidayah Cirebon City.

In his remarks, the Principal of SMK Al Hidayah Cirebon City, Hasanudin, S.Sos.I, invited all school residents to make the holy month of Ramadan a momentum to improve the quality of worship, and strengthen Islamic brotherhood.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Al Hidayah Foundation, Drs. A. Mujayyin, also expressed his hopes, especially for the 12th grade students who will soon complete their education. He hopes that they can achieve success, both in the world of work, continuing their education, or becoming entrepreneurs.

The peak of the event was filled with a sermon delivered by Ustaz Izzul Makin, S.Pd.I., M.Pd. from Kebumen, Central Java.

In his sermon, he emphasized the wisdom of Isra’ Mi’raj and the importance of maintaining the five daily prayers, so that life is more focused and full of blessings.

“We hope that this activity can strengthen faith and devotion to Allah SWT and strengthen the relationship between school residents,” said Hasanudin, S.Sos.I, on Sunday morning, February 23, 2025.

With the implementation of this activity, it is hoped that SMK Al Hidayah Kota Cirebon can continue to form good characters for students and all school residents in improving the quality of worship and strengthening Islamic brotherhood.

Secretary of DPC Aswin Kota Cirebon


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