
Local Film ” Tetegow” Achieves Huge Success at Meranti Islands Movie Night

Local Film “Tetegow” Achieves Huge Success at Meranti Islands Movie Night

MERANTI – ASWINNEWS.COM – A proud achievement from Meranti Islands! The local film “Tetegow” produced by Kopiah Production was a huge success in an exclusive movie night on Sunday night, February 22, 2025 at the Afifa Sport Center which was filled with spectators, becoming real proof of the public’s appreciation for the work of this local child.

“Tetegow,” directed by M. Syahren and produced by Antoni Shidarta, SH, MH, managed to captivate the hearts of the audience with its story that is thick with Malay material and cultural values ​​and local wisdom of the Meranti Islands. The interesting storyline and touches of local culture make this film so close to the community.

Efrizon, or who is familiarly called Ngah Jon, a representative of Kopiah Production, expressed his gratitude and amazement at the enthusiasm of the audience. “We didn’t expect the tickets to sell out so quickly. This is real proof of the community’s support for the work of local children,” he told the team at around 01.00 WIB after the screening event ended.

The success of this screening is the result of the hard work of the Kopiah Production team and the full support of the local government and the Meranti Islands community. Ngah Jon expressed his gratitude to all parties involved, including the Meranti Islands Police Chief and his members who maintained security during the event. “This success belongs to all of us,” he added.

More than just entertainment, the “Tetegow” screening is proof of appreciation for local creative work. The community hopes that regional films like this will continue to be produced and receive wider support, so that they can raise the name of the Meranti Islands Regency on the national and even international stage. The film “Tetegow” is expected to be an inspiration for other young filmmakers in the region to work and make their region proud.

Writer Ardes


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