
Ms.Estu : MSMEs Becomes the Driving Force of Regional and Central Economy

Ms. Estu: MSMEs Become the Driving Force of Regional and Central Economy

JOMBANG – ASWINNEWS.COM- Sadarestuwati, Member of Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives, PDI Perjuangan Faction, encourages economic growth, through strengthening micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and the creative economy.

In the MPR RI Banggar discussion on MSME and Creative Economy Empowerment in Jombang, the PDI Perjuangan Politician for Electoral District VIII of East Java said that MSMEs and also the creative economy business sector need special attention from the Government.

“MSMEs and the creative economy business sector must receive adequate support from the Government. Both in the form of access to capital, capacity development and in the form of policies,” said Ms. Estu, her nickname, Friday (21/02), to Jombang.

Ms. Estu said that the MSME problem must be resolved seriously by the Government from upstream to downstream. The central government, regional governments and the private sector must collaborate to empower MSMEs in Jombang Regency, especially in terms of access to financing.

“This is because the MSME sector is the driving force of the regional and central economy. Therefore, we will ensure that MSMEs will receive proper attention from the government so that they do not lose out to other countries such as China,” said Mbak Estu.

The Head of the Jombang Regency PDI Perjuangan DPC revealed that the potential of the population and MSMEs is as much as China. However, what is actually needed is the willingness of the regional and central governments to provide support to creative economy sector actors and MSMEs.

“I remember in the past, there were MSME mechanics, what’s that called. The ones who made things like grinding machines and motorcycle parts in Sidoarjo. Instead of being given space or supported, they were actually killed. Because they were considered to have violated existing laws or regulations,” he added.

Mbak Estu emphasized that if these problems were not handled properly, MSMEs would not be able to develop like in other countries, especially China.

“Like in China, everyone can imitate. So when an investor comes in, there is an agreement. Why can’t we do that to protect MSMEs,” he said.

He hopes that domestic products will receive support from the government to be developed so that they are protected. And can be enthusiastic about competing with home industry products abroad.

“Why can Chinese products be cheaper and dare to compete. This is because all goods are made by MSMEs or home industries, not large companies. And I think this needs to be emulated,” he concluded.

Mif, Jombang Bureau


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