
LDK OSIS SMPN 3 Sindang Indramayu Strengthens Leadership and Character of Management

LDK OSIS SMPN 3 Sindang Indramayu Strengthens Leadership and Character of Management

INDRAMAYU-ASWINNEWS.COM- SMPN 3 Sindang Indramayu Regency carried out leadership and character strengthening training for new OSIS management students for the 2025/2026 period, under the title Basic Leadership Training (LDK) OSIS SMPN 3 Sindang, on Friday (21/02/2025) in the school hall.

Former Chairperson of OSIS SMPN 3 Sindang, Suryama, who is also the person in charge of OSIS succession said that this activity was a follow-up to several series of OSIS leadership change activities starting from candidate recruitment, determination of candidate candidates, candidate briefing, candidate mentoring, candidate campaigns and candidate elections to the inauguration of the elected candidates.

Advisor of OSIS SMPN 3 Sindang Indramayu, Kurnianingsih, S. Pd. when met by reporters, Friday (21/02) said, that he felt grateful because all the series of OSIS leadership succession activities went smoothly as a democracy learning. Then ended with the handover and inauguration and briefing through LDKS OSIS.

“We hope that the new OSIS administrators with the implementation of this LDK have exemplary character and good leadership and quality in leading OSIS,” said Kurnianingsih.

Meanwhile, the Principal of SMPN 3 Sindang Indramayu, Hj. Sni Hanifah, S. Pd. M. Pd. in her speech at the opening of the OSIS LDK said, that the OSIS administrators are the best students and are selected after going through a strict selection process. The OSIS LDK participants have more opportunities, potential, and leadership abilities which if continuously nurtured and developed will become opportunities to appear as future leaders.

“The OSIS administrators will be models and role models for other students at school. Therefore, they must be able to maintain better performance and behavior and character,” she added.

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