
Cak Dimas Apprecates Jombang Police Chief’s Firm Steps

Cak Dimas Appreciates Jombang Police Chief’s Firm Steps

JOMBANG-ASWINNEWS.COM- In an effort to maintain order ahead of the holy month of Ramadan 1446 H, the Jombang Police have successfully confiscated 2,600 bottles of alcoholic beverages (miras) of various brands. This operation targeted several points in Jombang and succeeded in securing thousands of bottles from various individuals involved in the distribution of illegal liquor.

The evidence of the liquor was destroyed in an event held at the Jombang Police Headquarters on Thursday, February 20, 2025. This activity was also attended by various elements of society, including students and the Jombang Interfaith Harmony Forum (FKUB), as a form of support for the police’s commitment to maintaining security and order.

One of the figures present, Cak Dimas, who also serves as Treasurer of the Institute for the Study and Development of Human Resources (LAPESDAM) PCNU Jombang, emphasized that the distribution of liquor is the main factor in increasing crime in society. He also invited all elements of society to support the police’s steps in eradicating alcohol and drugs in Jombang.

“Alcohol is the root of various social problems and crime. We strongly support the firm steps of the Jombang Police Chief in creating a safer environment, especially ahead of the holy month of Ramadan,” said Cak Dimas to Jombang reporters, Friday afternoon (21/02/2025).

Furthermore, Cak Dimas emphasized the importance of synergy between the police, religious leaders, and the community in ensuring that the eradication of alcohol can run sustainably.

“This effort is expected to make Jombang a safe, conducive area, and free from the negative influence of alcohol and drugs,” he said.

The firm steps of the Jombang Police have received wide appreciation from the community, who hope that similar actions will continue to be taken in order to create a better environment for future generations.

Mif, Jombang Bureau


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