BENGKALIS -ASWINNEWS.COM – The National Integration Forum (FPK) of Bengkalis Regency for the 2024-2028 period was officially inaugurated and held its inaugural meeting in the Main Hall, 2nd Floor of Kesbangpol, Jalan Antara, Bengkalis Regency on Thursday, February 20, 2025. This inauguration was based on the Decree of the Regent of Bengkalis Number 634/Kpts/2024 signed by Regent Kasmarni, S.Sos. M.M.P.
The inaugural meeting was attended by all FPK administrators consisting of representatives of various tribes and ethnicities in Bengkalis Regency. Drs. Yuhelmi, M.Si was elected as Chair of FPK, accompanied by Sujarno, S.H and Drs. Muhammad Halim Arrofie as Deputy Chair. Other management structures include Secretary Syahrial, S.H, Deputy Secretary Iskandar, S.H, Treasurer Khairuddin, and Deputy Treasurer Sri Mawarti, S.Hi. (A complete list of management is attached).
FPK Bengkalis Regency has an important task in collecting community aspirations regarding national integration, organizing dialogue between organizational leaders, traditional leaders, and the community, and socializing government policies in the field of national integration. They are also tasked with formulating recommendations for the Regent of Bengkalis and reporting activities to the Regent through the National Unity and Politics Agency of Bengkalis Regency.
In the inaugural meeting, various work program plans and strategies to achieve FPK goals were discussed. It is hoped that FPK can be an effective forum for strengthening unity and togetherness between various tribes and ethnicities in Bengkalis Regency, as well as creating harmony in community life. The existence of FPK is very important considering the ethnic and cultural diversity in Bengkalis Regency.
Author: Ardes