
Discovery of a Corpse in Tapen Jombang, HOAX

Discovery of a Corpse in Tapen Jombang, HOAX

JOMBANG-ASWINNEWS.COM – News of the discovery of a corpse in Jatipandak Tapen Jombang caused a commotion on social media. After an investigation by the police, it was discovered that the news was not true, aka a hoax.

Jombang Police Chief AKBP Ardi Kurniawan, S.H., S.I.K., CPHR through Kasihumas AKP Kasnasin clarified that Jatipandak Village is under the jurisdiction of the Kesamben Police, while Tapen Village is under the jurisdiction of the Kudu Police. After checking the two areas, there was no official report regarding the discovery of a corpse.

“We have checked the location mentioned in the information circulating. As a result, no corpse or incident was found,” said AKP Kasnasin, in a Press Statement, Thursday afternoon (20/02/2025) at 15.00 WIB.

The Head of Public Relations also emphasized that the news was a ‘hoax’.

He appealed to the public not to panic and to always check the authenticity of the news.

“We ensure that the information circulating is not true. The public should not easily believe and spread news that has not been verified because it can cause unrest,” said AKP Kasnasin.

Furthermore, the police appealed to the public to be more careful in spreading information that has not been proven to be true.

“Do not easily believe news that has not been verified. Make sure the source is clear before sharing it,” he added.

The temporary suspicion is that this fake news was deliberately created to cause unrest in the community. Authorities are currently tracing the first source who spread the information.

“The public is advised to remain calm and rely on official information from the relevant authorities in order to avoid the spread of fake news that can harm many parties,” he concluded.

*Jombang Police Public Relations
*Mif, Jombang Bureau


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