
KPU Jombang Evaluates 2024 Elections,Reviews Transparency and Participation

KPU Jombang Evaluates 2024 Elections, Reviews Transparency and Participation

JOMBANG-ASWINNEWS.COM- The General Election Commission (KPU) of Jombang Regency, held an Evaluation Meeting of the 2024 Elections on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, to review the implementation of the Jombang Gubernatorial and Regental Elections and formulate steps for improvement for a better quality election.

The Chairperson of the Jombang KPU, Ahmad Udi Masjkur, emphasized the importance of reflection so that the upcoming election will be more transparent, accurate, and democratic.

“This evaluation is an important momentum to review all stages of the election, starting from the accuracy of voter data, campaign effectiveness, logistics distribution, to voter participation. We want to ensure that the election is honest and fair,” he said.

Evaluation Highlights

This meeting was attended by election organizers, representatives of political parties, NGOs, and media crews. Several aspects that were the focus of the evaluation include:

✅ Accuracy of voter data – Preventing duplicate or unregistered voters.

✅ Logistics distribution – Resolving obstacles in sending ballots and election equipment.

✅ Campaign effectiveness – Assessing compliance with regulations and political education for the community.

✅ Voter participation – Analyzing the level of voter turnout and the factors that influence it.

Security and neutrality of organizers – Ensuring elections are free from intervention and violations.

KPU Jombang Commitment

KPU Jombang emphasized that it will follow up on input from various parties to improve the quality and public trust in the upcoming election.

“We hope that the next election will be better, more transparent, and more trusted by the public,” concluded Ahmad Udi Masjkur.

With this evaluation, it is hoped that all stakeholders can work together to create a more honest and quality election in Jombang Regency.

Mif, Jombang Bureau


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