By,Jacob Ereste
Freelance Journalist
The inauguration of the elected Regional Heads and Deputy Regional Heads in the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections will be held at the Jakarta Palace on Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 10:00 at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta.
It was also reported that the total number of Regional Heads and Deputy Regional Heads to be inaugurated was 481 people from 33 provinces, 364 Regencies and 84 Mayors. Meanwhile, the number of Regional Heads who were not inaugurated from the 40 provinces that are currently in the trial stage at the Constitutional Court are 22 provinces and Regencies/Cities in the Aceh region, 2 Regencies/Cities from Bangka and Pangkal Pinang City which are holding a repeat Regional Election because the empty box won.
The inauguration ceremony will be combined with the reading of the Presidential Decree and the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs, the granting of the Decree and the pinning of the Regional Head’s rank, then the taking of the oath of office by the President and the signing of the Inauguration Minutes.
In addition, the simultaneous inauguration of the Regional Heads was also enlivened by the Gita Praja IPDN Drum Band which accompanied the regional head candidates who would be inaugurated entering the Palace from their gathering place at the National Monument Field.
Jakarta, February 18, 2025