
Responding to the Tragedy of Illusion of Choice in Education ( Part 2 )

Responding to the Tragedy of Illusion of Choice in Education (Part 2)

By Sujaya, S.Pd. Gr. (Advisory Board Member of ASWIN)

C. Theories of Illusion of Choice

The concept of Illusion of Choice is not attributed to a single theory or individual, but rather developed through various disciplines such as psychology, philosophy, economics, and politics. Several thinkers and theories related to the illusion of choice include:

1. B.F. Skinner (Behaviorism and Social Control) – Skinner explained how the environment and social systems shape human behavior, making people feel free while their choices are actually conditioned by external factors.

2. Daniel Kahneman & Amos Tversky (Cognitive Illusions in Decision-Making) – Kahneman and Tversky’s Prospect Theory (1979) demonstrated how people often make decisions based on how information is presented, rather than truly free choices.

3. Noam Chomsky (Critique of Media and Politics) – Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent (1988) explained how media and politics shape public opinion, creating an illusion of choice while options are controlled by elite groups.

4. Jean Baudrillard (Simulacra and Illusion in Capitalism) – Baudrillard’s Simulacra and Simulation (1981) described how modern society lives in a constructed reality created by media and capitalism, where choices are often variations of the same thing.

5. Barry Schwartz (The Paradox of Choice, 2004) – Schwartz showed that having too many choices can lead to anxiety and dissatisfaction, indicating that despite feeling free, people are not necessarily happier or more fulfilled.

D. Addressing the Tragedy of Illusion of Choice in Education

The tragedy of Illusion of Choice in education occurs when students, parents, and society feel they have freedom to choose educational paths, but in reality, these choices are directed or limited by the educational system, job market, and social norms. To overcome this, we need to recognize the limitations of the system, think critically, and seek alternative paths that align with individual interests and potential.

1. Students: Becoming Aware and Independent Choosers

a. Recognize Personal Interests and Potential – Don’t just choose majors or schools based on trends or family pressure. Use interest and aptitude tests, explore various fields, and try different experiences before deciding on an educational path.

b. Don’t Rely Solely on Formal Education – Education is not limited to schools or universities. Utilize online platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and YouTube to enhance skills. Attend seminars, workshops, and join communities to broaden perspectives.

c. Think Critically About Available Choices – Don’t just accept existing options; question whether there are alternative paths more aligned with your interests and life goals. Don’t fear trying unconventional paths, such as non-formal education or entrepreneurship.

d. Develop Skills Beyond the School Curriculum – The modern workforce values skills over academic degrees. Learn soft skills (communication, leadership, problem-solving) and hard skills (coding, graphic design, digital marketing, etc.).

2. Parents: Supporting Children with a Broader Understanding

a. Stop Forcing Specific Professions onto Children – Allow children to explore various options and support what truly interests them. Don’t push traditional professions like medicine, engineering, or civil service if your child has interests elsewhere.

b. Seek Broader Information About the Evolving Job Market – Many new professions emerge in the digital and creative industries, such as AI specialists, content creators, or data analysts. Don’t rely solely on traditional standards in determining your child’s future.

c. Support Learning Beyond School – Encourage children to take courses, internships, or projects that provide real-world experience. Teach practical skills like critical thinking, time management, and problem-solving.

3. Educators: Promoting More Flexible Education

a. Teach Critical Thinking and Creativity – Don’t just focus on memorization; teach students how to think critically and solve problems. Use project-based learning, discussions, and independent exploration.

b. Provide Space for Broader Choices – Don’t just direct students to conventional paths; help them find paths that suit their potential. For example, if a student is interested in digital technology or digital art, help them develop their own projects rather than just following the standard curriculum.

c. Align Curriculum with the Real World – Involve industry and community in education so students understand how the real world works. Encourage internship programs, startups, or social projects to provide direct experience.

4. Government and Policymakers: Reforming Education for Adaptability

a. Reduce Excessive Standardization – Don’t just focus on exams and grades; consider practical skills and character development. Give flexibility to schools and teachers to adapt curricula to local and global needs.

b. Promote Skill-Based Education Over Just Academic Degrees – Many future jobs value skills over academic credentials. Increase vocational training programs, online.(***)


Indramayu,February 17,2025


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