
Kembung Baru Village Government Distributes Aid For Toddlers With Hydrocephalus

Kembung Baru Village Government Distributes Aid For Toddlers With Hydrocephalus

BENGKALIS – ASWINNEWS.COM – The Kembung Baru Village Government, Bantan District, Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province, continues to show concern for its residents. On Monday (2/17/2025), it distributed aid to the family of Miro, whose grandson is battling hydrocephalus.

The aid was given as a form of attention and support for Miro’s family in facing this difficult test.

In his statement, the Acting Head of Kembung Baru Village, Sugeng Rahardjo, S.Pd.I, hoped that the aid could ease the burden borne by the family.

“We from the Kembung Baru Village Government are concerned about the condition experienced by Miro’s grandson. Hopefully this aid can help ease the burden on the family and we hope that this child will receive the best care and will recover soon,” he said.

Hydrocephalus is a disease that causes fluid to build up in the brain and requires intensive medical care. On that occasion, the Miro family hoped for a helping hand from various parties so that their child could receive better treatment.

This activity is real evidence of the Kembung Baru Village Government’s concern for its residents in need. It is hoped that more people and other parties will contribute to helping those who are facing difficulties.

Author: Ardes


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