
Muntai Village Government Makes Congkak Game a Cultural History and Village Agenda

Muntai Village Government Makes Congkak Game a Cultural History and Village Agenda

BENGKALIS – ASWINNEWS.COM – The Muntai Village Government, led by Village Head Muhammad Nurin when met by on Saturday, February 15, 2025 in a simulation activity of a congkak game match, said that the congkak game will be one of the routine village agendas. Congkak, which is a traditional game with high historical and cultural value, will be used as a means to preserve the national Malay cultural heritage.

Village Head Muhammad Nurin said that the congkak game has many meanings in Malay history and culture. “We want this traditional game not only to be remembered as part of history, but also to live and develop among the community, especially the younger generation,” he said.

This congkak match simulation aims to introduce the game that was once lost more widely to the residents of Muntai village in particular while strengthening social relations between residents.

The village head also hopes that this activity can be an example for other villages in preserving traditional games and culture in their respective areas.

By making it a village agenda, the Muntai Village Government hopes that the congkak game will continue to develop and become one of the cultural attractions that enriches people’s lives and strengthens the bonds of brotherhood.

Author Ardes


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